OOR109’s 和訳blog

ONE OK ROCKの和訳をしています。転載不可

MY FIRST STORY We're Just Waiting 4 You 和訳

We are always there together, never breaking in my heart


Cause you are the only one who has completely changed my life


Do you remember when we met the first time 6 years ago? 


There was nothing there,  but we kept going forward recklessly

(あの頃はまだ何もなかったけど、 なりふり構わず進み続けていたね)

We were not very close to each other,  we were not old friends


But we are connected with strong bonds for sure

(でもないでも、 今は僕達はそんなモノよりも強い絆で繋がっているよね)

I swear to you right now

(今、 君に誓うよ)


We’re just waiting 4 you to come back forever one more time


We’re just going to go on until the day


So please don’t forget this day


We are the 5 of us with you


We will get together now again&  again



You said,  “I think you should be yourself no matter how we end up" 

(君は言ったね。 「 例えどんな結末になろうと君は君のままでいた方がいいよ」 と)

And so I was able to come all the way because of those words


There was a time when we got lost and crashed into a wall


He decided, and something that was, now is gone


I’m really glad we met



We’re just waiting 4 you to come back forever one more time


We’re just going to go on until the day


So please don’t forget this day


We are the 5 of us with you


We will get together now again & again



We’ve seen so many things


We’ve heard so many things now


Those things are what I feel have made us what we are right


We’ve felt so many things


We’ve fought so many things what we are right now


Those things are what I feel have made us


I never give up dreaming


I never give up screaming


Our story will go on



We’re never giving up on this new story with you now


We’re never staying here because of you


We’re just waiting 4 you to come back forever one more time


We’re just going to go on until the day


So please don’t forget this day


We are the 5 of us with you


We will get together now again & again
