OOR109’s 和訳blog

ONE OK ROCKの和訳をしています。転載不可

MY FIRST STORY Smash Out!! 和訳

You have to realize already

We're better than that idol shit

Don't just stand there in one place,


go ahead say my name



You always protect yourself

We don't want to live on without saying

What we want to say out loud

Raise middle finger high up to the sky

We are all gonna get in a fight!



Don't you really like it?? really like it??

Let's do the rock'n roll


Don't you really like it?? really like it??

Let's do the rock'n roll

We ain't nothing but just troublemakers

Break it!! Break it!!

(それを壊す! 壊すよ!!)
That is all I want



"What are you talking about??"

"Well…Nothing, not you"

I'm never going to lose,

I'm a mother fucking prince

"Hey guys, bring it on"

"No thnx, We will pass"

You are freaking full of shit!!



You are having such a sour face

Low cuz your money dropped off?

I'll lend you as much as you

Just may need when I say goodbye


We are never seeing again


I don't care about what you think about me now



You have to realize already

We're better than that idol shit

Don't just stand there in one place,


go ahead say my name


You always protect yourself

We don't want to live on without saying

What we want to say out loud

Raise middle finger high up to the sky

We are all gonna get in a fight!



Don't you really like it?? really like it??

Let's do the rock'n roll


Don't you really like it?? really like it??

Let's do the rock'n roll

We ain't nothing but just troublemakers

Break it!! Break it!!

(それを壊す! 壊すよ!!)
That is all I want




just stand there



without ~ing は 「~せずに」


say it out loud



high up to the sky



middle finger



get into a fight



nothing but 〜 は「〜だけ」とか「〜にすぎない」



“That’s (That is)”(それが)+
“all”(すべて)+ “I want”(私が求める)


Well .... nothing.



Well, nothing



Well... nothing...

あっ いや...。


never going to

《be ~》~するつもりは毛頭ない、絶対に[決して]~しない






I will pass



full of shit

《be ~》〈卑〉うそ[でたらめ・たわ言・くだらないこと・つまらないこと]ばっかり言っている、大ぼらを吹いている


have a sour face



as much as
